Law Enforcement United, Inc. 

Honor the Fallen, Remember the Survivors

Information About Membership

Membership to Law Enforcement United is limited to active or retired sworn Law Enforcement Officers, Corrections Officers, and immediate family of law enforcement officers that have died in the line of duty (Survivors), and sponsored civilian (non-sworn) individuals. Credentials must be available to the Executive Board or Designee upon request for verification purposes.

Bicycle Rider eligibility is open to active or retired sworn law enforcement officers, corrections, and immediate family of law enforcement officers that have died in the line of duty (Survivors).

Support Team Member eligibility is open to aforementioned criteria and sponsored civilians (non-sworn).

All Members & Participants must be 18 years of age.

New Member Applications

Law Enforcement United requires membership dues and uniform payment at time of registration. Dues and uniform costs are non-refundable. 

  •  Recruitment and applications begin on July 1st.
  • Verification of credentials may be requested prior to member approval
  • Survivor/Civilian (Non-Sworn) Applications may also be subject to verification
  • New members are required to purchase uniforms with intent to participate in the Road to Hope
  • Below outlines detailed costs for new member participation
  • Minimum Uniform Requirements:
    • Riders- One rider jersey and one rider jacket
    • Support Members- Three (3) support t-shirts, one support jacket

  • Uniform Pricing & Totals


     Rider Jersey

    Rider Jacket   Total Cost For New Rider Registration

    Support T-shirts

     (3 shirts)  

    Support Jacket


    Total Cost for New Support Member Registration

    Size Small through X-Large $ 45.00

    Size Small through X-Large $75.00



    Size Small through X-Large $36.00 (total)

    Size Small through X-Large $50.00



    Size 2XL $47.00

    Size 2XL $77.00



    Size 2XL $42.00 (total)

    Size 2XL $52.00 



    Size 3XL $50.00

    Size 3XL $80.00

    50+ 80+50

    $ 180

    Size 3XL $48.00 (total)

    Size 3XL $54.00 






Annual Membership Renewal (Current Members)

Law Enforcement United requires annual membership dues to remain in good standing.  Dues are necessary for operational, maintenance, supplies, and logistical expenses.  Paid Membership is good through June 30th, of each year and is not pro-rated.  Membership dues are $50.00.

 Please Note: All registration fees are non-refundable. They are tax deductible contributions to the full extent of the law and are separate to your fundraising minimums.

  • July 1st begins the renewal process for current members to continue through the upcoming year
  • Membership Dues not renewed in full within 30 days will result in membership suspension as no longer in good standing. After 30 days, membership will be removed from the system.  


  Law Enforcement United holds several fundraising events all over the country sponsored by various teams and individual members. Support is also provided by corporate donors to raise money for C.O.P.S. and O.D.M.P.Our biggest fundraising event that many LEU members participate in a bicycle ride event the "Road to Hope". The Road to Hope is a 250+ mile memorial bicycle ride.  Money raised from this event will be donated to both organizations. Monetary funds raised throughout the year sponsor many events with both of these organizations. 

You don't have to participate in the Road to Hope Bicycle Ride to be a member of LEU. There are a number of other functions and events we host that you will be able to participate in. If you have any special areas of expertise that you can volunteer for such as media, data management, HR, etc, we would love to have you on board. This organization works year round, and as such we need as many volunteers as we can!


All eligible participants in the Road to Hope Bicycle Ride are required to raise minimum donations to attend the ride.

Bicycle Riders are required to raise a minimum of $1,500

Support Members are required to raise a minimum of $825

Fundraising Benchmark & Deadlines

* Benchmark fundraising date is December 1st. Riders are required to have minimum $400 to continue eligibility for upcoming  ride. Support members are required to have a minimum of $250 to continue eligibility for upcoming ride.

*Our fundraising minimum final deadline to participate in the Road to Hope is April 1st since we have to commit to a headcount for meal planning, hotels, and support on the road.

You can certainly continue to fundraise above and beyond the minimum even after the event is completed.

However, our fiscal year is July 1st to June 30th and funds collected after the April deadline will not carry over to the next years ride.

 Ride Registrations  

Virginia Division

Pennsylvania Division

New Jersey Division

Ruff Ride




Law Enforcement United, Inc. is a non-profit organization, EXEMPT from Federal Income Tax under section 501(c) 3 of the Internal Revenue Code.  A financial statement is available upon written request from the Commonwealth of Virginia - Office of Consumer Affairs.  Law Enforcement United’s TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER is 27-0743821

 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2126 Chesapeake, Va. 23327-2126

Email: [email protected] 


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