Law Enforcement United, Inc. 

Honor the Fallen, Remember the Survivors

National Board

 Executive Director Wallace "Chad" Chadwick

 [email protected]

 Assistant Executive Director Steve Callow [email protected]
 Finance Director Brian Woolever [email protected]
 Operations Director Allan Iversen [email protected]
 Outreach Director Josh Klaus [email protected]
 Communications Director Nicole Chadwick [email protected]
 Marketing Director TBD 
 Trustee Don Fuller [email protected]
 Trustee Sam Frye [email protected]
 Trustee Mark Faust [email protected]
 Trustee Tony Pletcher [email protected]
 Virginia Division Representative John Mapes [email protected]
 Pennsylvania Division Representative Bryan Cilento [email protected]
 New Jersey Division Representative David Heritage [email protected]
 Ruff Ride Representative Scott Humphrey [email protected]
 FLETC Long Ride Representative  Rich Gallo [email protected]



Law Enforcement United, Inc. is a non-profit organization, EXEMPT from Federal Income Tax under section 501(c) 3 of the Internal Revenue Code.  A financial statement is available upon written request from the Commonwealth of Virginia - Office of Consumer Affairs.  Law Enforcement United’s TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER is 27-0743821

 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2126 Chesapeake, Va. 23327-2126

Email: [email protected] 


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